3. Persoalan Kajian / Objektif Kajian ( Bab 1 )
Bab1. 1.4, kalau kita tengok di
sini...1.4…persoalan kajian dan objektif kajian, 1.5. Jadi kita ambil persoalan
kajian. Okay. Jadi persoalan kajian dengan objektif kajian, perlulah sejajar. Perlulah
sejajar kerana ia berkaitan, ya. Jadi sekarang ini kita ambil contoh yang
ini…persoalan kajian…tengok dari beza di sini ya. Mengenal pasti wacana
tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu. Ini objektif dia, apakah wacana
tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat melayu? Jadi ini, kalau misalannya
objektif dia dan persoalannya..dia satu. Jadi persoalannya,,,teruslah…maknanya
kita boleh fahamlah. Tapi kalau contohnya menganalisis kesan skrip animasi
cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah, kita boleh jadi dua soalan
daripada satu objektif. Iaitu sejauh manakah kesan skrip animasi cerita rakyat
Melayu dalam kalangan sekolah rendah? Bagaimanakah pelajar boleh memberi
pendapat melalui skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu? Jadi kedua-dua soalan ini
sebenarnya akan menjawab objektif dua…ya…kena ingat ya…apa sahaja dekat dalam
objektif ini kita memang persoalkan semula. Sebab kita hendak tahu bahawa,
sejauh mana kesan itu? Bagaimana cara dia? Jadi, itu akan menjawab objektif
ini. Bila kita analisisdata ini, memang ini akan terjawab. Okay?
Serupa juga, macam contohnnya
menghasilkan repertoire perbualan melalui animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam
kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah. Ini sebenarnya ada temu bual.Temu bual dalam
kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah tentang skrip animasi tersebut. Jadi dia bagi
pendapat. Jadi persoalannya, sejauh manakah repertoire dibina melalui ini ini
ini…bagaimana? dan apakah cara perbualan?
Jadi ini terjawablah dalam itu. Apakah cara perbualannya? Adakah cara
perbualannya memang berdua, atau bertiga, atau berempat, atau pun memang dia
duduk dia seorang? Tapi kalau dia seorang, dia berbual dengan siapa pula? Okay,
mungkin dengan penyelidik. Soalan ketiga, apakah kategori repertoire? Jadi
maknanya dia hasilkan repotir…. ada tiga soalan di sini…sejauh manakah? Apakah
cara perbualan? Apakah kategori dia?
Memang setelah itu nanti, bila
kita analisis data, memang kita akan dapati, akan terjawablah
soalan,ketiga-tiga ini. Jadi, bukanlah semestinya satu objektif…satu. boleh
juga satu objektif, tiga soalan…tapi sebenarnya bilakita menganalisis data,
memang akan terjawab ketiga-tiga soalan ini. Macam yang nombor 2 menganalisis
kesan skrip animasi…akanada 2 persoalan. Bila kita analisis memang …Oh la…meang
kita jawablah kedua-dua soalan ini. Kita dapati memang kita menjawab dua2
soalan ini.Bila objektif satu; mengenal pasti wacana teks itu,memang kita akan
ada satu. Boleh juga nak buat dua. Tapi kita tengoklah cara kita analisis data
tu, terjawab tak soalan ini?Bila kita buat analisis kita tgk balik soalan.
Terjawab tak? Jadi bila sudah terjawab itu,memang betullah. Jadi janganlah kita
letak semua ketiga2 objektif atau semua kedua-dua objektif semuanya ada satu
sahaja soalan. Jadi kita boleh letak dua atau tiga. Kadang-kadang ada pelajar, ada
sampai empat. Sbb dia nak pastikan bahawa bila dia analisis dataitu, memang
terjawab 4 soalan tersebut.
Kalau contohnya, menghasilkan
buku panduan penulisan skirp animasi cerita rakyat, contohnya kalaulah pelajar
itu buat ada 4 objektif. Jadi sejauh manakah buku panduan penulisan skrip
animasi certia rakyat dihasilkan? Apakah cara untuk menghasilkan buku panduan
animasi certia rakyat? Jadi, yang ini …memang ini akan menjadi kebaharuan,ya.
Yang nombor 3kebaharuan…nombor 4 kebaharuan bagi awak punya tesis. Benda baharu
yang kita nak disebarkan kepada seluruh dunia. Jadi yang ini kita akan ada 2
persoalan di sini. Sejauhmanakah buku panduan dihasilkan? Apakah caranya? Jadi
bila buat ini, memang kita pastikan bila kita analisis data, kita pastikan kita
jawabkedua-dua soalan ini. Jadi, bila kita nak tulis objektif, kita pastikan,
kita persoalkan…apa benda yang kita akan dapati,bila kita analisis data
nanti…adakah ini? adakah itu? Jadi sebab itulahkita ada beberapa soalanuntuk
satu objek. Ini ada dua soalan, satu objektif ini ada 3 soalan…ini ada…tapi
memang soalan dia berkisarkan tentang objektif yang ini. Tak lari.Tak lari.
Tetapi memang sebahagian penyelidik yg bagus…ya…memang akan persoalankan,
supaya nanti bila kita, macam iniya…dibina repertoire..sejauh mana repertoire
dibina? Lepas itu, apakah cara perbualannya? Cara perbualan, kita kena
huraikanlah. Apakah kategorinya? Sebab kita nak kategorikan repertoire
tersebut…untuk objektif ketiga ini. Jadi kita pastikan kita jawab semua soalan
ini ya. Jadi pelajar semua…harap, bila kita dah lihat apakah objektif kita,
kita pastikan bahawa persoalan kita itu menjawab soalan..menjawab melalui
objektif kita. Dan kitapastikan bahawa, semula saya katakan..bahawa apa yang
kita analisis terjawablah soalan2 kita tanya pada diri kita. Persoalan ini…dan
pemeriksa bila dia baca…”oh okay. Soalan ini memang saya dapati ada dalam bab
4…okay soalannya begini…okay kita memang dapati bahawa memang pelajar tulis
kategori, kategori repertoire itu…dah bagi repertoire…bermakna memang tesis ini
berjaya…ya. Sbb dia boleh menjawab persoalan daripada objektif yang telah
di...yang dia cadangkan untuk tesis ini ya…pastikan bahawa 1.4;Persoalan
kajian…1.5 Objektif.
Perkataan ini ..yang dia
ambil…seperti ini…mengenal pasti, menganalisis, menghasilkan..ini ada
dalam…sini….kalau kita dapat lihat…awak kena pastikan bahawa objektif satu yang
awak pilih itu perlulah dari….kalau kita lihat dari sini ya….kejap….saya ada
cadangan ..ya ..di sini…cadangan senarai kata kerja …ini ya…kata kerja
operasional teks…teksonomi Bloom. Kita pastikan objektif 1 itu rendah…kalau C1
itu rendah…ya ..macam mengenal pasti itu ada ya....kemudian, bila objektif 2,
kita nak analisis, kenalah yang tinggi. Kita tengoklah mana yang bersesuaian.
Kita baca dulu, yang mana yang sesuai untuk objektif kedua…kalau untuk
aplikasi, apa dia? Utk analisis apa dia? Yang ini kita pilih tadi utk objektif
kedua…analisis…itu dah tinggi, dah C4..maknanya kita memang analisis secara
mendalam…secara mendalam ya..kemudian kita nak letakkan menghasilkan itu..kita
letak C6…kita nak hasilkan tadi kena….ingat tadi kita nak hasilkan
repertoire..ataupun nak hasilkan buku panduan dan sebagainya…ini
perkataan-perkataan dia.
Jadi ini, pastikan bahawa
janganlah objektif satu awak C5…awak nak nilai tiba-tiba objektif dua rendah
pula..awak masuk mengenal pasti…dah salah..ya …dia mesti daripada
kecil…daripada yang mudah..ini dikira mudah..hinggalah kita naik, naik
sehinggalah ke C6.Jadi pastikan pemilihan perkataan-perkataan ini, bersesuaian
objektif, bersesuaian dan ikut tahap dia…rendah atau tinggi. Objektif 1
rendah…objektig2 tinggi sedikit..objektif 3 lagi tinggi. Janganlah objektif 1
rendah, objektif 2 awak letak…okay..tinggi betul.. C6 tadi...kemudian objektif
3…oh turun pula balik. Salah!. Kena ikut peringkat…macam kita naik tangga. Mula
rendah…naik,naik. Jadi ambil daripada sini. Pastikan bahawa perkataan itu
bersesuaian dengan objektif kita…jadi kena bersesuaian..dan lagi satu…lagi
satu…bila kita tulisobjektif ini…contoh mengenalpasti…adalah pulak pelajar
tulis nombor 2 mengenal pasti jugak kemudian nombor 3 mengenal pasti lagi…
nombor 4 mengenal pasti…dah keempat-empat mengenal pasti. Jadi itu tak boleh.
Itu semua nya tahap yang
rendah..tahap yg rendah tidak
bersesuaian. Asyik nak mengenalpasti sahaja…dah kenapa kan?…kita nak juga nak
analisis. Jadi takboleh.
Jadi macam ini saya bagi contoh
ini..kalaudia buat 4 objektif..biasanya ada objektiftiga sahaja. Kalau ada
empat pun..kalau ini…dia hasil repertoire..ini buku panduan..ini bebeza..jadi
bolehlah dia nak tukar.. contohnyamenghasilkan ..jadi dia bolehtukar..kalau
kita tengokdi sini ada banyak.Kita ada…..mengatur, kategorikan, menyusun,
membangun, ada banyaklah. Rencana, merumuskan pun boleh. Kita letak ini
merumus. Jadikalau ini misalannya dah C6 bolehlahC6 ini.. C6 yang ini…jadi
boleh rujuk dalam buku ini..kalau tiada pun boleh rujukdlm internet. Kalau
jumpa. Pastikan ye...ingat...saya katakan tadi..saya ulang balik...pastikan
kategori dia mesti dari rendah..kemudian tinggi sikit..kemudian tinggi lagi.Okay?
Supaya nampak dia punyaperbezaan... cara kita nak menganalisis data tersebut.
Jadi pemilihan perkataan ini amat peting dalam penulisan objektif kajian.
3. Research questions / research objectives ( Chapter 1 )
Chapter 1. 1.4, if we look up
here… 1.4…research question and research objective, 1.5. So, we take research
question, Okay? So, the research question and research objective must be
aligned. It must be aligned because they are related. So now, we take this one
as an example… research question…look at the difference here, alright. To
identify the textual discourse on the Malay-animation folk’s stories. This is
the objective, what is the textual discourse on the Malay-animation folk’s
stories? So here, if the example of objective and it’s question…they are one.
So the question…obviously…we understand it. But, if the example is analysing
the effect of the script in Malay animation folks stories among the student in
schools, we could make that two from one of the objective. Which is how far is
the impact of the script in Malay animation folk stories among the primary
students? How can the students give their opinion based on the script on the
Malay animation folks stories? So with these two question it will answer the
two objectives…alright…remember…whatever was in these objectives, we surely
will have ask again. Because we need to know, how much does the effect will be?
How does it go? So, that will give the answer to the objectives here. When we
analyse it, this is definitely will be answered. Okay?
It is the same as… for example,
creating a repertoire of conversation through the animation of Malay folks’
stories among the primary students at school. There was actually an interview.
An interview of the primary students about the script on the animation. They
give their opinion. So, the question is, how far does the repertoire that
created from here, here, and here? How? And how does the conversation conduct?
So, these will be the answer for that the question. How many participants are
they? Was it one to one? Or one to two persons? Or three? Or was it just the
participant alone? If it is, to whom will he or she talks to then? Okay,
probably with the researcher. Third question, which category is the repertoire?
So that means, he made a repertoire…there are 3 questions here…. How far? What
are the ways it was made? Which category?
After all of that, when we
analysed the data, we definitely will have, the answers for all these three
questions. So, it is not always have to be one objective…one questions. We may
also make one objective, with 3 questions… but the main idea, is that when we
analyse the data, all three questions will be answered. Like this number 2
here, analysing the effect of animation script…there will be two questions.
When we analyse it…oh.. we definitely had answered the two questions. We really
do realise that we answered these two questions here. When there is one
objective; identify the textual discourse, we certainly will have one. You may
also do two. But we must know if what we analysed, will answer the question.
The moment you analyse it, tell yourself…will it answer the question? If it
does, then you are doing it right. So don’t just simply write to many
objectives, with just one question. Just give a couple or three each. Sometimes
students, wrote four because they want to be certain, that when they analyse
it, it answered each one of them.
For example, to write a booklet
of animation script writing of Malay folks’ stories, let say, if the students
wrote 4 objectives. How long is the booklet was written? How does the booklet
was created? So, for this one here… there will definitely a new finding. Right?
Number 3 here, new finding, number 4, also a new finding of your thesis. New
things that we want share to the whole world. So, this one here, we will get 2
question. How long is the booklet was written? How was it written? So, when we
do this, we will make sure, that it will answer these two questions here, as we
analysed. So, when we want to write the objective, we make sure, we ask ourselves…
what will we get after we analyse it later… was it this or was it that? That is
why we several questions for one objective. This one has two, this one
objective has three questions… this one has… but all of them will related to
this objective. Still the right track. But there are some good
researchers…right…will ask themselves back so.. like this one
here…right…repertoire was listed… how many? And then, how was it interviewed?
We explained the method. What are the categories? Because we want to categorise
their repertoire… for our third objective here. So, we must make sure that we
can answer all these questions. Alright? So, student…I hope, when we’ve looked
back at our objectives, make sure the questions will be answered...through our
objectives. And make sure, I repeat... that what find in our studies will
provide the answer that we asked ourselves back then. This research
question…the examiner will find that….” Oh, okay. The answer is here in chapter
4…Oh that’s it! We now know that this student state the categories, the
repertoire categories…it is all given…which shows that the thesis was a
success. Alright. All the research questions are answered that… the student had
stated in the thesis…alright…make sure that 1.4; Research Question…1.5 Objective.
The words here…. that we picked….
like these…to identify, to analyse, to create…this one as well…here…if we look
here, you will have to make sure that the first objective you chose must be
from…if we look here, alright…just a moment…I’ve suggested…yes…here…list of
suggestion for nouns….here…operational tax…Bloom’s taxonomy. We make sure the
first objective is low…alright…like ‘to identify’ is here for
sure...yes…then...for the second objective, we want to analyse, it needs to be
high. We’ll see what suits best. We go through it firsts, which is the best for
our second objective…what about for application, how about that? Analysis, what
is it for? What we chose before is for the second objective…analysis… that one
is high already, it goes with the c4…that means we must go deeper…deeper,
alright…remember about the repertoire that we discussed earlier?..or to write a
book and something like that…these are the words.
So this, make sure that your
first objective is not c5…you want to analyse, but your second objective is
low… you put it ‘to identify’, it is wrong…right..it must be something
lower…from one of these easy part here…this considered as easy...gradually we go higher,and higher all the way to c6.
So, make sure the words you chose here, is suitable for the objective, suitable
and follow its level…low or high. Objective 1 is low…objective 2 a bit
higher…objective 3 even higher. Don’t put the first one low while the second
one the highest, then the third goes back to low. Wrong! Follow its level, like
how we walk up the stairs. From the bottom, to the top. So, choose from here.
Make sure those words are the right one for our objective… it must be
suitable…and one more thing…one more…when we write the objective…for example to
identify…there are some students wrote number 2 as ‘to identify’ as well as the
number 3, and number 4…now all of them are ‘to identify’. That is not right.
These are all from the low level... the low is not suitable. If we stick only
to identify, then when will be analyse? So that is not right.
As you can see the example given
here…let say the fourth objective…usually it will be three. If there is four on
any chance…say…he or she list down the repertoire…this is booklet…this one
different. So we may go ahead change it…for example ‘to create’…so it can be
changed. If we look back here, there’s a lot of them. We have…to organise, to
categorise, to build... a lot. Plan, to conclude would be fine as well. Let say
we use the word to conclude. So, this one here is on the c6, that should do it...
c6 here…go ahead a look up on this book here, if you don’t, you could search it
on the web. If there is one. Do make sure…take note…like I said earlier…I
repeat…do make sure you start from the lowest…then you go for the higher
level...then the highest. Okay? That will show the differences…how we analyse
the data. So, pick the right word, is crucial to write your research objective.
Pautan video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTV4bXMeYcw
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